The best technology to make change happen is storytelling

Let's keep things rational. Our world makes more sense this way. Especially when it comes to business. This assumption is prevalent in todays thinking, but unfortunately our brains are not working that way.

Storytelling is the most effective brain hack

In this 5 part series below, I talk about storytelling, with bite-sized insights on how the human brain processes information. I included nuggets about why branding depends on good storytelling and what ingredients a good story actually needs to work well.

What happens in our brains when we listen to a story and how does this affect our decision processes?

Full story on instagram

What happens in our brains, we listen to a story and how does this affect our decision processes?

Full story on instagram

What happens in our brains, we listen to a story and how does this affect our decision processes?

Full story on instagram

What happens in our brains, we listen to a story and how does this affect our decision processes?

Full story on instagram

What happens in our brains, we listen to a story and how does this affect our decision processes?

Full story on instagram

Illustrated Story frames for Instagram

The Impact

Storytelling is a magical toolbox for marketing and branding. Applying the principles is key to positive change.

If your story and products focus around a positive transformation and empathy, your business will grow.

See more cases

link for motion case study about Pay with Charlie and cashless payment

Reimaging payment with Pay with Charlie

3 explainer videos to push a phone application that makes cashless payment easy and accessible.

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Motion Design case for Erlanger Stadtwerke with illustrated character Erwin sitting on a windmill

Getting kids curious about local energy production

A project in collaboration with pwr communication that
gives an exciting journey through a heating power plant

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Chris Animation Lab Showreel

Porject summary for a collection of projects and clients from 2019 to 2024

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Start with your motion explainer to boost your innovative products

Let’s talk your project